Factory smoking in the fog - Alteo's alumine factory in the town of Gardanne works 24 hours around the clock 7 days a week. For 50 years it has been and continues to pollute the the mediteranian sea in the national park of Les Calanques near the sea side town of Cassis with more than 20 million tonnes of toxic liquid waste containing heavy metals, caustic soda and arsenic. On land toxic solid waste is stock pilled and or sold as a byproduct for roads or agriculture. Documenatries that unmask and give a clear view of a not so clear situation include: "Zone Rouge" - 52 min in French - By Olivier Dubuquoy et Laetitia Moreau Click here to see the video and "Boues Rougues, la mer emopoisonée" by Thalassa - 58 min in French - Click here to see the video
Gardanne, September 2016
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