Lac de Serre-Ponçon - is a lake in southeast France; it is one of the largest artificial lakes in western Europe. The lake gathers the waters of the Durance and the Ubaye rivers, flowing down through the Hautes-Alpes and the Alpes du Sud to the Rhône River. The waters are dammed by the
Barrage de Serre-Ponçon, a 123 m high earth core dam. As well as water control, sixteen hydroelectric plants use the water and the lake provides irrigation to 1,500 km² of land.
The lake was created to control water flow after disastrous floods
caused severe damage and loss of life in 1843 and 1856. First proposed
in 1895, construction started in 1955 and was completed by 1961. During construction of the lake, approximately 3 million m
3 of material was moved. The dam was constructed and the valley slowly became a lake, flooding some villages in the process.
Savines le lac, 2017
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