Flying over the Great Giza Pyramids. Once in a while opportunities come along that cannot be refused. That is what happened with the Pyramid flying adventure recently. I had the chance, with a group of international pilots to fly during several days over the Great Pyramids of Giza. For an aerial photographer this is a dream, specially since until only recently have authorizations been given for such a flight. On the side of the Egyptian organisers a monumental job has been done to make this all happen. On my side it meant taking my paramotor to pieces for transportation, then putting it back together in Egypt. There were many queries re the transportation of the paramotor from France to Egypt, the customs, the weather conditions and the engine functioning once in Egypt. To cut a long story short the above photo tells the tale that all went extremely well. We were able to fly for two consecutive days over the Giza Pyramid complex in Cairo. Absolutely mind blowing.
Watch the video of this amazing moment on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njZ0pPzPGhA
Cairo, Egypt 2018
2 commentaires:
thanks for sharing beautiful information
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Very informative post, the Pyramid of Giza is the first historical monument in the world that reflects the culture of Egypt well.
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